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Calendar public API.

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sealed interface CalendarEffect

Describes any side effects from the calendar.

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data class CalendarParams(val selectionMode: CalendarParams.SelectionMode, val range: ClosedRange<LocalDate> =, val cellsInfo: Map<LocalDate, CellInfo> = emptyMap(), val locale: Locale = Locale.getDefault(), val dayOfWeekText: TextStyle = findBestWeekdayStyleForLocale(locale), val dateContentDescriptionStyle: FormatStyle = FormatStyle.FULL, val now: LocalDate =, val monthSelectionMode: CalendarParams.MonthSelectionMode = MonthSelectionMode.Disabled)

Describes the calendar configuration.

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Describes the current selection in the calendar

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The model containing all the information describing BpkCalendar in the moment.

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data class CellInfo(val disabled: Boolean = false, val status: CellStatus? = null, val label: CellLabel = CellLabel.Text(""), val style: CellStatusStyle = CellStatusStyle.Label)

Additional information to be added to dates cell

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sealed class CellLabel

Describes the label of the cell

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Describes the colouring of the cell

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Describes the colouring behaviour of the cell