Package-level declarations
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data class BpkImageGalleryChipCategory(val title: String, val images: List<BpkImageGalleryImage>) : BpkImageGalleryCategories.Category
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data class BpkImageGalleryImage(val title: String, val description: String? = null, val credit: String? = null, val content: @Composable (contentDescription: String, contentScale: ContentScale) -> Unit)
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data class BpkImageGalleryImageCategory(val title: String, val images: List<BpkImageGalleryImage>, val content: @Composable () -> Unit) : BpkImageGalleryCategories.Category
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fun BpkImageGalleryCarousel(state: BpkCarouselState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onImageClicked: (Int) -> Unit? = null, content: @Composable BoxScope.(Int) -> Unit)
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fun BpkImageGalleryChipGrid(categories: List<BpkImageGalleryChipCategory>, closeContentDescription: String, onCloseClicked: () -> Unit, onDismiss: () -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, initialCategory: Int = 0, onCategoryChanged: (BpkImageGalleryChipCategory) -> Unit? = null, onImageClicked: (BpkImageGalleryChipCategory, BpkImageGalleryImage) -> Unit? = null, onImageChanged: (BpkImageGalleryChipCategory, BpkImageGalleryImage) -> Unit? = null, state: BpkModalState = rememberBpkModalState())
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fun BpkImageGalleryImageGrid(categories: List<BpkImageGalleryImageCategory>, closeContentDescription: String, onCloseClicked: () -> Unit, onDismiss: () -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, initialCategory: Int = 0, onCategoryChanged: (BpkImageGalleryImageCategory) -> Unit? = null, onImageClicked: (BpkImageGalleryImageCategory, BpkImageGalleryImage) -> Unit? = null, onImageChanged: (BpkImageGalleryImageCategory, BpkImageGalleryImage) -> Unit? = null, state: BpkModalState = rememberBpkModalState())
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fun BpkImageGallerySlideshow(images: List<BpkImageGalleryImage>, closeContentDescription: String, onCloseClicked: () -> Unit, onDismiss: () -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, initialImage: Int = 0, onImageChanged: (Int) -> Unit? = null, state: BpkModalState = rememberBpkModalState())