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fun BpkHotelMapMarker(contentDescription: String, icon: BpkIcon, status: BpkHotelMarkerStatus = BpkHotelMarkerStatus.Unselected, state: MarkerState = rememberMarkerState(), tag: Any? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float? = null, onClick: (Marker) -> Boolean = { false })
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fun BpkIconMapMarker(contentDescription: String, icon: BpkIcon, status: BpkIconMarkerStatus = BpkIconMarkerStatus.Default, state: MarkerState = rememberMarkerState(), tag: Any? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float? = null, onClick: (Marker) -> Boolean = { false })
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fun BpkPoiMapMarker(contentDescription: String, icon: BpkIcon, status: BpkPoiMarkerStatus = BpkPoiMarkerStatus.Unselected, state: MarkerState = rememberMarkerState(), tag: Any? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float? = null, onClick: (Marker) -> Boolean = { false })
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fun BpkPriceMapMarker(title: String, status: BpkPriceMarkerStatus = BpkPriceMarkerStatus.Default, state: MarkerState = rememberMarkerState(), tag: Any? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float? = null, onClick: (Marker) -> Boolean = { false })
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fun BpkPriceMapMarkerV2(title: String, status: BpkPriceMarkerV2Status = BpkPriceMarkerV2Status.Unselected, state: MarkerState = rememberMarkerState(), tag: Any? = null, visible: Boolean = true, zIndex: Float? = null, onClick: (Marker) -> Boolean = { false })
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fun PriceMarkerV2Layout(title: String, status: BpkPriceMarkerV2Status, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)